For starters, let’s go over what is wood grain. Wood grain is the alignment of wood fibers; it’s the lines and swirls you see in a piece of wood.
There are two types of grain, face/edge/long grain, and end grain. Face/end/long grain is when you see long strokes of lines. The wood was cut longwise so we see these longitudinal lines. End grain is when the wood is cut at a 90-degree angle of the long grain. You are able to see the rings of the wood.
While long grain it’s usually used for flooring, end grain is preferably used to create cutting boards or to manufacture butcher blocks.

Cutting Boards
How are end grain boards made? They are usually made by cutting pieces of lumber into blocks and gluing them together. In more aesthetic boards block of different species, sometimes in different sizes are put together into a pattern. Butcher blocks, as well as, wood cutting blocks are made by using a thick section of a tree trunk.
By cutting on the end grain side of the wood, knives’ sharpness lasts longer as well as the cutting board itself. Why is this you ask? Think of the wood fibers as the bristles of a brush. if your knife constantly cuts through the bristles the sharpness of your knife wears off and it damages the cutting boars.
In an end grain cutting boars, your knife is cutting in between the wood fibers. Keeping your knives sharper and the board lasting longer.

End grain floors are very unique. These are mainly used because they are very durable. They are used in places like factory buildings, heavy traffic commercial buildings, and boardwalks. We can recommend then, for your kitchen or maybe living room. They are great for they absorb noise and energy, making them resistant to scraping, general wear and, making them a better choice when wearing heels, for example.