Transform your Home with Hardwood Mesquite Stairs.
Sometimes understated, stairs are a significant part of a house. They are an addition to the look and feel. They are walked through, jumped and stomped. Choosing the wrong material with the high traffic they sustain can cause a lot of damage like scratches, dents wore-down areas and even splints. You want a material that […]
How To Take Care of Mesquite Wood Floors
Mesquite floors are one of the mosts stable and durable hardwood floors you could add to your home. It is very resistant and thus it requires little to no effort to maintain. Essential Care Just like any other floor, vacuuming or sweeping is a desired to keep regular maintenance and care. A soft-bristled broom keeps […]
Mesquite Stairs: From the Ground (Floor) Up
It is safe to say that the staircase is one of the most important components of any house. Sure, they get us up to the second floor, but if done right, they can be so much more than that. Properly constructed stairs can be a beautiful centerpiece for any home, and the first step to […]
Mesquite Rises to the Challenge of Stair Construction
You have many choices when it comes to adding your personal touch to the varied aspects of your home. Your house is unique to you, and you want everything in it to reflect your personality while also being made with the finest materials and workmanship available. That goes for everything from your furnishings to your […]